Friday 29 March 2013

Phuket, Thailand

2nd Destination… September 2014

Family Trip

After my graduation ceremony at University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
I will go Phuket, Thailand with my family.

Phuket Island

Beautiful sandy beaches, beach huts, five star hotels, cafes, restaurants, and some of the world’s best snorkeling and scuba diving is why Phuket is so popular.

There can snorkel, scuba dive, sunbathe, ride a banana boat.

Tourist can lounge around at various cafes drinking coffee and eating cakes.

Shopping Mall in Phuket

At night, restaurants all along the many beaches serve 
fresh seafood, Thai food, western food and everything in between.

Nightclubs are open and can see fire dancers on the beaches, celebrating the gorgeous evening.

No matter what your style, there’s something for everyone in Phuket.
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